About us
Praj Consultants and Engineers is established in 2018 and have been active in the field of NDT Sales and Application. The company has a wide range of NDT Solutions for the inspection of Tubes, Bars, Forgings, Automotive Components etc. The company represents the association with world’s best NDT companies dealing in UT, MFL, ET. The company provides the complete TURNKEY NDT SOLUTION.
The company has its own manufacturing set up in pune for manufacturing of NDT Spares, MPI Machines and Mechanical Handling systems. There is a team of designers working out the best configuration of handling system to have the appropriate controls of the NDT inspection.

We are the most trustworthy NDT partner for many of our clients. We look forward for any requirements to serve you with our products and services. PRAJ NDT is a team of NDT Specialists who strives to provide the most suitable configuration for your NDT requirements.
We deal in standard as well as customized NDT automated solutions for long products and also in the components.The company provides customized semi/fully automated systems to address various industrial inspections – Conventional and Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing, Eddy Current Testing & Magnetic Particle Inspection. We have continuous in-house development of innovative non-destructive testing applications in order to empower users with effective command of their industrial production safety and to attain better efficiency, reduced testing cost and reliable products and solutions.